Afganistán Citas hombre soltero - Kabul, Kabul - terry

terry tiene 52 años, hombre solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Kabul, Afganistán.
terry quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Kabul - Afganistán
I am shy and quiet at first but am learning to step out of comfort zone. . . I am very passionate and get emotional over the least little thing with this big caring heart I have which I wear on my sleeve. . I always try to see the best in others and hope that I can bring a smile and a little sunshine into their lives.
Lo que espero del otro
I am looking for a relationship that starts slowly with a solid foundation of friendship, for the best of partnerships are the ones which are built first on true friendship. I am seeking a woman who is a true, kindhearted, honest, and sincere person. I want that relationship in which we are equally yoked and dedicated to God first and foremost and then to each other. I have learned to "be still" and let God lead me and that is when life goes the best. It is not always an easy thing to do!

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Este sitio ha sido creado para formar relaciones serias, estables y duraderas, no podrá usarlo para enviar fotos no respetuosas, no debe enviar mensajes de odio, no podrá ni acosar a un miembro.
Hemos puesto a su disposición la posibilidad de bloquear a un miembro en cualquier momento, para reportarlo a la administración que hará su trabajo rápidamente.
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