EmiratosÁrabes Unidos Citas hombre soltero - Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi - arnoldjo

arnoldjo tiene 68 años, hombre solo de Kuwait y vive en Abu Dhabi, EmiratosÁrabes Unidos.
arnoldjo quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Abu Dhabi - EmiratosÁrabes Unidos
Hello to all who comes accross my profile. May I first say that I am a down to earth kind of man. Not with any drama and not looking for drama.. May I say that I am one of a kind.. I desire nothing but the best and will never settle for less.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but' sure I will know it when I
find it.. I do know this, I don't like Drama and expect to be treated the way I will treat you..Im not into High maintenance women,I can understand the occassional day
Lo que espero del otro
Hello to all who comes accross my profile. May I first say that I am a down to earth kind of man. Not with any drama and not looking for drama.. May I say that I am one of a kind.. I desire nothing but the best and will never settle for less.
Im not sure what Im looking for but Im sure I will know it when I
find it..I do know this I dont like Drama and expect to be treated the way I will treat you..Im not into High maintenance women,I can understand the occassional day spa but toes to nose remod

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