China Namoro mulher solteira - Dongguan, Guangdong - angela cristão

angela tem 34 anos, mulher solteiro da Filipinas e mora na Dongguan, China.
angela Emile gostaria de conversar com um homemquem se parece com ele.
Dongguan - China
I am honest, sensual and active. I love my life so much! I want to be happy and to make my future soul mate happy as well.
I am very kind and my friends say that I have big heart because I am able to support at the right time and it is does not matter
who is that person and what kind of situation. I really want to dive into a mutual, passionate and eternal love!
I am a hopeless romantic, but at the same time I'm an intelligent woman with sensible skepticism.
O que eu espero do outro
I want to find here love! I need a carying man who will understand me, will bring love to my life and will feel the same from me.
I would like to find someone who will make me to feel like the best woman in the world and fill my heart with joy, happiness and passion.
The man who knows what he wants in life and will be sure that I am his one and only. He must be serious and childish at the same time,
funny and crazy at once, but comfortable no matter where he is and who he is surrounded by!

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