Kuwait Namoro mulher solteira - Bayan, Hawalli - perez21

perez21 tem 37 anos, mulher solteiro da Canadá e mora na Bayan, Kuwait.
perez21 Emile gostaria de conversar com um homemquem se parece com ele.
Bayan - Kuwait
I am with tenderness and kindness. And these are my most important qualities and of course they help me in life, but I hope they will help me in love because I sincerely want to find it. I am very friendly and like to keep up a meeting with meeting new people. For me it is very easy and simple because I am always the soul of the company. It is never boring with me because I can talk on completely different topics.
O que eu espero do outro
I want to meet a man with whom I can share the best moments of my life and go hand-in-hand with him all my life. I am very active and filled with vitality and passion for life. I'm still a person who has a lot of love and affection, who has a very kind heart. And of course it's hard to find such a person, but I believe that I will find him and then we will be happy together and my heart is so hungry for it.

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