Estados Unidos Citas hombre soltero - Houston 65483, Texas - danny114

danny114 tiene 54 años, hombre solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Houston, Estados Unidos.
danny114 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Houston - Estados Unidos
I'm very passionate about life and love. I would love to meet a wonderful woman that I can get to know, share things and experience life with me. I know this thing called love is rare and special. I believe in honesty,faithfulness and loyalty and would love to have those qualities in the woman that I meet. I know somewhere there is a woman out there just for me and I'm waiting to meet her. I love to read and experience new things.
Lo que espero del otro
I am interested in someone who shares the following qualities with me.Am thoughtful,loving,goal oriented,along with a sense of humor. I love to laugh and smile. I also love to read, cook,and travel. My interests are many. I'm honest,loyal,affectionate,easy going,romantic, soft spoken and sensual,I also like having fun but keeping my priorities in line is a must.I believe in trying to always better myself and I work hard to live by that. I'm classy by day and a tiger by night. A body to die for

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